Living Office


Overhead view of a floorplan rendering.

Place can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals.

Each organisation and its people are different, yet many offices today look and feel the same. Herman Miller uses a proprietary research-based Living Office Discovery Process to help you envision an office that better reflects who you are and provides greater support for what you do.

Designing for Human Experience

Living Office provides an updated understanding of people and their work, founded on elements that are naturally human: how we experience the world and what motivates us. Informed by this understanding, Living Office provides ideas for the arrangement of surroundings, furnishings and tools to meet the needs of people and deliver a better work experience.

Illustration of surroundings, furnishings, and tools with a person at the center, signifying that the workplace should be designed around people.

A place for every purpose, a purpose for every place

Purposeful settings

From improvisational creativity to standardised processes, work today is more varied than ever before, so shouldn't our offices be more varied too? In a Living Office, people can choose from a range of spaces that better support their activities, strengthen their connection with colleagues and help fulfil their specific purpose. These settings can be designed in ways that uniquely express the culture of an organisation and further their ambitions, making place a more valuable asset.

A Hive Setting with a grouping of Renew Sit-to-Stand workstations and Mirra 2 Chairs. People can easily move between individual and group work.


A Hive is a grouping of workstations that allows people to harmoniously engage in individual and collaborative work.

A Haven Setting with an Aeron Chair, where people can do focused work without distraction.


A Haven is a small shelter where focused work can be done without distraction.

This Clubhouse is a working neighborhood with Locale sit-to-stand desks, Aeron Chairs, and Wireframe Sofas.


A Clubhouse is a working area that belongs to a team assigned to a specific, long-term project.

A Forum setting supports the presentation and discussion of content. This one is furnished with green, white, and black Eames Shell chairs.


Enabled by a clearly defined point of focus, a Forum supports the presentation and discussion of content.

Byne System with Optimis legs in a conference table setting with a screen, Mirra 2 chairs and a UBI Mobile Bag Catch.

Jump Space

Comprised of highly approachable work points, a Jump Space facilitates work for short periods of time between other activities.

This Cove setting, designed for impromptu collaborative work away from the main workspace, is outfitted with highly flexible Setu Stools, a Locale Desk, and Locale Storage.


A Cove is a compact setting near individual work points that enables people to work together for short periods of time.

This Plaza, the vibrant and dynamic heart of the landscape, is outfitted with Public Office Landscape, Eames Tables, and Eames Shell chairs.


The vibrant and dynamic heart of the landscape, a Plaza is a place where people can intuitively take the pulse of the organisation.

A Workshop is the ideal setting for people to work together to generate the ideas. This one includes Setu Chairs and Wireframe Chairs.


A Workshop is the ideal setting for people to work together to generate the ideas that drive work forwards.

Designed to support information sharing, this Meeting Space is outfitted with Setu Stools and a guitar-pick shaped Exclave table.

Meeting Space

A Meeting Space is designed to support information sharing, whether it’s a single speaker at the head of the room or a group of colleagues conversing among themselves.

A CK Storage high cabinet wall in 4 pieces sits against a pink wall. A Sabha bench seat is featured along with a high Anywhere Table and Steelwood Stools.


A Landing is an open perching spot adjacent to Meeting Spaces or Forums, where people can warm up before meetings and cool down after they end.

Living Office  1:35

Herman Miller Design Yard

See how Herman Miller created a Living Office for its people.

Living Office

Design Yard

See how Herman Miller created a Living Office for its people.